Heroes Come In All Sizes

I’m going to let you in on a little secret.  I love superhero movies!  I don’t know what it is, but I get caught up in the drama, the cheesy story, and the humanity of them all.  (Except for Thor and Superman – we all know they aren’t human, but I still love them!)

I don’t know what super power I would choose if I was presented with options, but I’d love the ability to swoop in and make a difference in some stranger’s life.  Then I’d change back into my street clothes (because of course I would have acted super-bly in my incredibly awesome, probably purple, superhero costume-mine would have laced up sneakers though, who are they kidding making these women run in 8 inch heals)!

In all the DC and Marvel movies I’ve been to I have yet to see a superhero that looked like this…


This is Victor Flores of California.  He’s 13 now, but he was just 9 when this picture was taken and when he certainly acted like a superhero.

Victor and his friend, Aiden were at his grandfather’s property.  The ground was covered with snow and the pond on the property had iced over.  They were chasing ducks when Aiden stepped out onto the pond and the ice gave way from under him.

In true hero fashion, Victor reached out for Aiden.  When he did, he slipped on the edge and fell into the freezing water too.   He could see Aiden was in a panic and flailing in the water.  Victor remained calm, made it to the edge again and pulled himself out.  Then he ran and grabbed a pole and used it to pull Aiden out just as his grandmother was making it down to help, knowing the boys were in trouble.

When the rescue workers arrived they found Aiden was in shock from the cold water.  They thought it was unbelievable that Victor had remained calm and collected during the ordeal.  Both boys were taken to the hospital to be checked out but were fine and soon released.  They asked him what he’d do next time if it ever happened again and in true superhero fashion he said he’d do the very same thing!

So when the little trick-or-treaters come to your door next week, just remember; some of them may actually be heroes in disguise!

31 days

This post is part of the Nester’s 31 Day Challenge; Writing on the same topic each day of the month of October.  Click on over to the Challenge to find a number of topics and authors ranging from Simplicity & Organizing to Personal Endeavors. You can head back here and scroll to the bottom of this post for a listing of all 31 days of Good News & Good People Doing Good Things.


Shhhhhhh! Don’t Wake The Baby!

So yesterday I mentioned my two great kids and their awesome friends and some good they were doing to make someone feel special.  Well, I’m going to introduce you to another member of my family; my husband, Curt.

This was just a simple gesture he did that some may not find a big deal; but here in this house today, this was a BIG deal!

Curt is headed out for the day to help a friend of his do some winterizing at his house on a lake.  (Yes, that itself is a very nice thing to do but it’s not the thing I’m talking about.)  There were three cars parked all in a row in our driveway; of course the car he needed to take had been the first one in the driveway and was now trapped with two others behind it.   Grabbing all the keys he headed outside, moving the cars one by one.  The two obstacles in his path were now parked in the street.

I was looking out the window of our kitchen (which overlooks the driveway) and waiting to wave goodbye as he pulled out in his jeep.  What I saw was my husband, pushing the jeep down the driveway by hand; out into the street, where he finally got in and started the engine.  See, his jeep is extremely loud.  It has some sort of hole in the muffler or manifold or one of those other car parts I have no idea about.  It also happened to be parked in the driveway right under the window of my sleeping grandson who has been sick all week and was in the middle of his first good nap in a few days.  The noise from the jeep would have definitely been enough to wake our sick grandson.  Unbelievable thoughtfulness.

I hope you’re not thinking that I’m just getting lazy with these past few posts.  I’m not.  I want to show how everyday people can do nice things and be good to others.  My family is just your everyday family of everyday people.  My whole reason behind the subject I chose for this “31 days of….” Challenge was to inspire myself and maybe a few of you to look for opportunities to do good things for others.

I hope it’s working!  I’d love to hear stories from you that either you’ve done or someone else has done!  It’s always good to hear good news!!!

31 days

This post is part of the Nester’s 31 Day Challenge; Writing on the same topic each day of the month of October.  Click on over to the Challenge to find a number of topics and authors ranging from Simplicity & Organizing to Personal Endeavors. You can head back here and scroll to the bottom of this post for a listing of all 31 days of Good News & Good People Doing Good Things.